This is new. See More Examples 2:a person who helps or supports someone or something (such as a cause Continue reading Time is your worst Enemy.. , Well, well, the McNamara's have liquidated the collateral securing that $813,831.89 interest only loan @ 2% with David Lacy and Community Bank & Trust. PAM WHITLOCK 2019 TIME CARDS & HIGHWAY GIG!! Yet only 52 days after the gruesome triple-murder was discovered, frustrated authorities suspended the case indefinitely. "To my knowlege, I did not hit anything", she continues, Continue reading JESSICA PREBOSNYAK w/ Time Cards. Yep. , Another TXDOT violation.No need to worry about those time cards with all that leeway. All three victims had been repeatedly stabbed, and both of the women's throats had been slashed. Better yet, ask ole Par, come on. As you can see below in the story by the ARRESTING Continue reading SHERRE JOHNSTON: THE STORY , While other governmental entities hand over Sherre Johnston's files in accordance with the Open Records Act, Parnell McNamara, Sherre Johnston's longtime lover and protector, who uses his office to fk people he doesn't like and protect those he does, ESPECIALLY SHERRE, sends the Request to the Attorney General's office. You have to be certified as a peace officer to be Continue reading PAM WHITLOCK | MCSOS NEW JAIL MAJOR , Brad Sharps mother according to her captors, the Justices is fine, just fine. Only dept in the State of Texas without. Continue reading JOSH TETENS BIGGEST QUESTION , Harry, why are we getting perves from other states in the Scaramucci stings and not busting any Rub and Tugs that are operating here? Most officers Continue reading SUPERVISORS ASK FOR BODY CAMS PAR SAYS NO WAY , OH Judge Sexpest, if you keep it up I'm putting your name out there. Email. Can't wait to see the special treatment on this one!!! Judge Napolitano sums it up pretty well, Shawn Oakman speaks for just about every person "in the system" in this County, WHY IS HARRY BRINGING YOU THIS STORY AND NOT THE TRIB? Boy, did they get caught. harrystorm QUESTION THE CANDIDATE Harry Storm for President 12 hr. ONLY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT IN TEXAS WITH NO BODY CAM. Betcha Char is his campaign treasurer too, just in time to Continue reading UPDATE: INVITATION ONLY. I'll tell you where I've been, going through a mountain of paper comparing the Time Cards of the best and brightest at the Sheriff's department against time sheets for their off duty security with Continue reading Harrys Crooks for Christmas 2021 , Would you let your grandma put $17.5 million dollars in Bank that is being looked at by the FBI and the majority of her funds are un-insured by the FDIC? He began his tenure as . In March of 2017 over 14 people got dirty pictures and messages from a privately bought telephone line, no one thought it was funny or understood what it meant, naturally, some went to the Continue reading GOVERNOR SIGNS ANTI SPOOFING BILL , Yep, Sheriff and Abelino thought the party would last forever. Besides with its sister site for Connections, it's hysterical. Who needs to pretend he's a 14 year old girl and lure men from other states here to help HIM and Par invent crimes and BRING perverts to Waco. After one of the women reported this comment to the police, Deeb was quickly arrested and submitted to a polygraph test, which he passed. The house is UN livable, Par shows it as his Homestead, but doesn't live there. DWI? Oh, disappeared, let's blame Barry for that. The surviving sons of David Spence, who was convicted and sentenced to death for two of the three homicides that made up the 1982 Lake Waco Murders, have filed a lawsuit against the State of Texas. ADVANCED HOSTAGE RESCUE TRAINING DALLAS, TEXAS. She's going to have Continue reading SHERRE JOHNSTON GOES TO JAIL , Ain't it sweet, of course, if you listen realllll real close you can hear them fight about Sherre breaking into the shed, AND, Char wanting Sher to cough up Par's canteen she kept from the burglary., If you are interested in just how much Court Appointed lawyers are getting for defending folks, below is a list of cases and money. Well, really the question is, "How stupid are you?," Continue reading Before you decide to do something stupid like Parnell, YOUR SHERIFF FOR LIFE did. MCLENNAN COUNTY CITIZENS FOR BAD GOVERNMENT OMG!!! Terms and conditions apply. that being said, here is the latest info, Continue reading DEPUTY DYNASTY EXPLAINED , Parnell's been messing with you, this running for sheriff over and over again ad nauseum, BULLSHIT! I Outstanding Podcast. H MCSO Dash Cam - Google Drive, The story below is not original, it comes from a source within the SHERIFF'S department that's smarter than they are, he or she has a PROTON MAIL RUSSIAN address, impossible to trace, anyway, I got this story about body cams today. Well, why do you think that was?. Lets give a Drum Roll forLieutenant Joe Ballew MCSO | YOUR SHERIFF FOR LIFE. If you want to see Sherre's address etc. Guess the campaigning for Josh Tetens may still pay off in the near future. Long range planner that one. He was executed in Huntsville in 1997. Because Abel Reyna is a great lawyer and he wins all his cases. enjoy. They had heard about the church on Bosque, where our Sheriff For Life has his deputy/embalmer buddy, Chris Eubanks, Deputy most likely in jail by the end Continue reading TEXAS CIVIL RIGHTS PROJECT HITS POLLING PLACE ON BOSQUE , I haven't had a one person contact me after receiving a $15,000 "wanna make your legal problem go away", call, since Barry Johnson was elected. HEB. umarim braz yakisikli oyuncu koyarlar diziye elimiz ayagimiz kurudu , bir de uzuuuuuuuuuun uzuuuuuuuuuuun banyo sahneleri olsun :) yoksa binlerce dizi izliycem yahu All three victims had been repeatedly stabbed, and both of the women's throats had been slashed. The two had engaged in verbal confrontations on multiple occasions. Naw. At last report "the attorneys for both sides are working something out", wonder how Sherre is going to get off this time. My most vivid memory of the Lake Waco murders were the crime scene photos, Feazell said. xoxoxo Guess who won't be there. The water levels don't usually fluctuate more than 2 to 6 feet. In June, Anthony Melendez pleaded guilty to the crimes and was sentenced to life imprisonment. District Attorney Vic Feazell, whose office had been instrumental in continuing to pursue new evidence in the case, would manage the prosecution against the accused. Take a look at Continue reading SHERIFFS DEPT. 11/10/2021 - FLEET ACCIDENT 09/24/2019 - FLEET ACCIDENT, THREE FOUR WISE MEN & A CAMEL.. Rebecca and the Camel Test Rebecca and the Camel Test - A Lesson in Giving - Biblical Women ( What is the punishment for forging documents? H-E-B is one of the largest, independently owned food retailers in the nation operating over 420+ stores throughout Texas and Mexico, with annual sales generating over $34 billion. I'd say none. At night, you may be seeing the stars and constellations, I am seeing Capt Chris Eubanks and Former Capt/Unlicensed Pam Whitlock a/k/a Capt June Allison's time sheets over and over in my head. Harry has decided to extend the 2021 Crook of the Year Award for a few more weeks.please continue to vote, click the link below and cast your vote: POLLING RESULTS AS OF 02/08/2022: MICHAEL MILLER, a busy-busy investigator with the MCSO | YOUR SHERIFF FOR LIFE, maybe Sleep Deprivation was the Contributing Factor in mistaking the White Mazda for a Yellow SUV at the CIRCLE K come on dude!!! Two received life sentences, and two received death sentences. Gulp. Source: About. I have sources. Trump didn't exactly bring out the best in my family still in and around Taylor either. THIS is the video from the gas station that night. is there anyone in the DA's office that's a proven match in the courtroom against CLINT BRODEN? As reported by KWTX, July 13 th marked 40 years since the bodies of three teenagers were discovered at Speegleville Park off Highway 6. Within the first twenty pages, we find further evidence of DOUBLE-DIPPING, this time it's Jessica (Badscrabblehand) Prebosnyak. Nov 1, 2021. How about a prayer chain? At some point today, after this photo of Chris Eubanks up Par or maybe Char's ass, McLennan County Citizens for GOOD Government disappeared from FACEBOOK. harrystorm bad cops, Banditos, Baylor men, Baylor Men against Toxic Masculinity, Catholics, CENIKOR,, cheating the poor, David Spence, dirty nasty cops, guy cox, harry storm, Jill Montgomery, Jill's aunt Jan Thompson, John Carroll, July 13, 2019 Anniversary of Lake Murder, Kenneth Franks, Lake Waco Triple Murder, Lake Waco Triple Murder Case, Liar Liar pants on fire, Mike McNamara, Raylene Rice, Uncategorized, unwanted sex, Vic Feazell, Vic Feazell Crook, Waco, Waco Crooks in . I have many friends I am crazy about, they love guns, they also love Trump. , McLennan County auditor to be replaced by first assistant | Government | Feb 11, 2019A panel of district judges have appointedFrances Bartlettas the new McLennan County auditor. The police investigation and criminal trials that followed the murders lasted for more than a decade and resulted in the execution of one man, David Wayne Spence, and life prison sentences for two other men allegedly involved in the crime, Anthony and Gilbert Melendez. A GREAT HUMANITARIAN & LORETTA LYNN LOOK-A-LIKE, Continue reading A message from Charlotte Miller McNamara..MCSO | YOUR SHERIFF FOR LIFE . Because there's a rumor that Abel's being investigated by Continue reading CHIP GAINES HIRES LOSER ATTORNEY , "Remarks like what you are saying can get you in a lot of legal trouble"Monica Barfield. I even sent a CITIZENS COMPLAINT to the Sheriff's Department asking that they Continue reading DEMAND AN OUTSIDE AUDIT . Critics, including Horton, the retired Waco police lieutenant, claimed Simons gave snitches special favors to coax their testimonies and fed them information. Mayhem exploded at Ridgewood Country Club Continue reading Ridgwood Roulette for $501.00 please! I feel sure we'll be stuck with you forever, Continue reading MOST CORRUPT POLITICIAN , Or, Thank Goodness Black Folks Don't Really Dig Kolaches. Nawwww. Guess Community Bank thought their name was "Riskie", but they were wrong again! He's just going to sit there, leave a mountain of cases for Tetens to throw out, as they all Continue reading USELESS BARRY JOHNSON NO BALLS AT ALL AND DOESNT CARE , ClosedCase #:2207-00185Status: 7/31/2022TexasSuspect Information Unknown Report Date: INVESTIGATING OFFICER: REGION/DISTRICT/SGT. Remember all the officers trying to get the PUBLIC to stop filming? The young man had been gagged. They all fear the wrath and desperation of our Sheriff for Life and his mini men. H, As of eight o'clock, I can truly tell you I have no idea if it's one or two people, perhaps it's one. The NCAA hopes a federal appeals court will block a lawsuit . Wed, Jan 11 at 12:30 PM Sgt Brad Bond resigned last week Lt Mike Gates resigned over the weekend Both damned good guys and good officers. By the time the March 3 election day rolled around, Abel was cock sure of a win. This book was written by Carlton Stowers and had Officer Simons as the protagonist. The bodies of three teenagers were found in a park near Lake Waco in 1982. Of course, it was only a $2K bond, and you know they'll drop this one or make it pretty much non existent, nothing much happened to her over the Louie bags, and who really cares, nothing will happen here either except Continue reading NIKKI CHECKS OUT , Take a look below at WHERE Harry blog gets read all over the world.and today INDONESIA! I have always had my doubts and never really thought he was a guilty and still dont, Reaves said of Spence. The Palomino, a brown one, and then a red one. On a muggy, Texas summer night in 1982, tragedy struck. Continue reading FIVE DEPUTIES NO BODY CAMS , FILM THEM YOURSELF, RECORD THEM FOR YOUR OWN PROTECTION FROM THEM. ( SHERRE JOHNSTON EMAIL: I didnt call 911 immediately.. | Exposing small town corruption and secrets in Waco, Texas. Yes, that's Harry, practically "elfed" by the huge water tower's interesting disguise. A jury convicted David Spence for the 1982 capital murders of three Waco teenagers in a highly-publicized crime known as the "Lake Waco Murders." Juries convicted Spence and three others for their roles in the murders. Of course, we do it in Texas AND have the right to shoot out the tires of the running auto. Bob Herbert wrote a series of articles for The New York Times in 1997, with headlines such as The Wrong Man and The Impossible Crime, in which he claimed that the case had been cobbled [] together from the fabricated and often preposterous testimony of inmates who were granted all manner of favors in return. [14]. You got kids, you got a wife, get reborn, go home, stop it. Plano, TX (75074) Today. All rights reserved. Looking for an overly religious hypocrite with a wife and kids? Its some ISKIE Business @ Community Bank & Trust w/ DAVID LACY!!!! Woodway, TX. Nice. What does she mean Continue reading A MESSAGE FROM YOUR SHERIFF FOR LIFE , GET THE DAMNED SIGNS DOWN BEFORE YOU LEAVE TOWN, YOU PUT THEM UP!!!!! Ask David Johnson, AND I had them tape the whole thing, they accidentally gave me the Continue reading MCNAMARA STOPS COLD CASE SQUAD FROM HEFELE INVESTIGATION FOR ASH MONEY , Kenneth says this ain't the man he knew in Kansas. As more and more deputies get tired of having to prove loyalty to a morally bankrupt Sheriff and his henchmen, and prepare to leave, the jail problems persist. If you enjoyed this episode, please be sure to leave us a positive review on apple podcasts or your podcast player of choice it really does help us out. The investigation was initially headed by Lieutenant Marvin Horton of the Waco police department, with assistance from Detective Ramon Salinas and Patrolman Mike Nicoletti. MCSO Deputy James Robison, same deputy that hit and killed a pedestrian on May 7th. Chapter 1: The Not so OK Corral In January of 2013 Sheriff Parnell McNamara took his newly elected office. Once ole Par, the idiot, showed it to the KWTX newsman he had to show it to everyone because he is just a fool. Most murder victims know their assailants, but there seemed to be no rhyme nor reason for the deaths of these three teens. Before becoming fixer upper famous, Waco was known world wide for the 51 day stand off between Branch Davidians and Federal Agents. The police investigation and criminal trials that followed the murders lasted for more than a decade and resulted in the execution of one man, David Wayne Spence, and life prison sentences for two other men allegedly involved in the crime, Anthony and Gilbert Melendez. I am so angry. I'm old, half blind, just Harry Storm. Why don't you just Continue reading SHERIFF GOES AFTER HARRY FOR SHERRES TWAT , I didn't want to put this up here. Unlike Melendez, Spence was sentenced to death for his involvement in the killings. Uh oh, someone should have UBER'D, or better yet, call TOW KING, they offer FREE TOWS to those in need every New Years! Harry didn't do this one, however, Harry was on the mailing list along with lots of other people in the Waco area. Unlock high-level information with Prezi Design Analytics; Nov. 8, 2022. Franks' body was found propped against a tree, with sunglasses over his eyes. Our parents wouldnt let us go to the lake anymore. Lake Waco Features. Belyeu v. State :: 1989 :: Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Decisions cases texas court-of-criminal-appeals Attys.,Waco, Robert Huttash, State's Atty., Austin, for the State. What relief. This is the second deposition where he has to admit it, duhhh. Next the diaper wearing cat trapper is videotaped CARRYING a trap. These guns, from cases that are already disposed of, are supposed to be destroyed at Lipshitz. Whine. MCSO BIG MONEY TRIPS USE OF FORCE. We'll just let this list of Christian and Philanthropic Organizations stand for themselves and their loan amounts at Community Bank & Trust. That claim had reporters from national media outlets flocking to Texas to try to prove that bold statement wrong, and some chose Spence as the poster child for the wrongfully convicted. Recommended. Something that actually happened without even a whimper or whine from undercover Sheriff's deputies. The Judge was "Fuentes" whoever that is, and I hear she's under House Arrest, ankle monitor, SCRAM devices Continue reading SHERRE RIDES AGAIN!! SEND SCARAMUCCI TO BASTROP FORGET THE UKRAINE TRIP.. SHERIFF GOES AFTER HARRY FOR SHERRES TWAT, SHERRE HIDES HER GUN UNDER SHERIFF DEPUTYS HAT BOX, SHERRE JOHNSTONS CRIMINAL MIND: THE LEXUS SWITCHEROO, SHERRE JOHNSTON, DR. GARY BARBINS PATIENT, SHERRE JOHNSTONS MISSING MUGSHOTS..PAR, OH, PARRR. Waco Murder A monumental tragedy struck the young couple's life: the loss of their second daughter, Kassidy, who was diagnosed with a brain tumor at 1 year old and died four months later. ARE YOU GOING TO HELP THE SHERIFF AND LET HIS GIRLFRIEND GO FREE, OR PLEAD HER TO TIME SERVED????????? Felony on each page. My friend, Amy Shillings Knight, who is a cat lady and rescuer of all animals, was heartbroken, her cat was missing. Eula Janes? Checking for how game was collected., Deputy Steve Donaldson Cant Drive For Shit. This is part 1 of a 2 part series.×tamp=1640701414&user_id=6932558548137608197&sec_user_id=MS4wLjABAAAAnSW25m66bBNtPpG46Bou2hmystXqpc9d3EDEF8a1KB8ZIYETxJEIjCviPw2zW4IL&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=android&share_iid=7046758454912567045&share_link_id=27bce53c-1946-4f98-9d6d-59a5a6b319d5&share_app_id=1233&fbclid=IwAR0tEMBf1fNJqQx0PvNeod091Bfykygq0CWweN5HKBA6M9zKwU6YSb7hqq0&_r=1. Did Barry drop it? HA! IMDb is the world's most popular and authoritative source for movie, TV and celebrity content. Brought to you by some of the 237 rich or downright lucky men in Waco whose cases from the massage parlor got taken care of my our Sheriff last year. Good job, MICHAEL GRAHAM, you make Law Enforcement look really good AND just might be the poster boy for "DEFUND THE POLICE". They figured out that NO BODY CAM is NOT POPULAR so to try to tapdance their fat asses out of this, they want us to think we're crazy. We checked! Upon hearing that neither I nor any other people who disagree with Par could go to his party, Kenneth had a comment. Seems that google maps shows Hamilton, Texas is one hour and ten minutes away. Kelley worked at Deebs store and Simons learned Deeb had taken out a life insurance policy on her and made himself the beneficiary. Maybe. DETECTIVE REBECCA EUBANK shooting the Goose that laid the Golden Egg! There was no internet, no cell phones, no social media, and major advances in modern law enforcement, such as DNA testing, were decades down the road. , As Joe Scaramucci talks dirty to men all over the world, spends hundreds of thousands of dollars to go all over the place, he missed a pervert right under his nose, at the jail. Real mad. Take a listen and see the paperwork so far. "She had a hole in her heart," Kari's mom, Linda Dulin told ABC News. Par? For more details, choose a point on the map or a name in the chart below. They were going to give them to me for 1,600 dollars, they thought Continue reading WHERE ARE THE SEIZED GUNS?? wrote me under an encrypted fake email address and told me that Ricky Armstrong was the biggest "double dipper" and crook in the Continue reading MAJOR RICKY ARMSTRONG RETIRES FROM SHERIFFS DEPT , Parnell needs "evaluation" mentally Yeah, they're all putting the right stuff out there on their FACEBOOK pages, but, the reality is that Char and Kilcrease run everything, Par is more and more senile every day and they don't leave him alone. Everyone thought this was not Mike Beard's house because it wasn't fancy enough of a version for what we all would think a Continue reading PARS NEW SHERRY OBSESSION.. , Mantits, you know you thought it too This is actually an old story the Trib dug up again today because now he's indicted not charged, it gives them something to write about it and put up a man tits photo of this guy, and since there isn't SHIT going on at the Courthouse, it's Continue reading MAN-TITS CHARGED IN AREA REAL ESTATE SCAM INDICTED FOR MURDER , Just a coincidence? ( Ive felt responsible because I didnt call 911 immediately Continue reading SHERREMAIL: NOT SORRY EVERYONE ELSES FAULT. He is now working with Badge Bunny Rissa Shaw who was threatened by Sherre Johnston, she even made a Police Report about it but guess where that got little Rissa? THE GREEDY BASTARD AWARD.Deputy Michael Graham! For those of us unlucky enough to remember good ole boy, ex Ranger, Sheriff Jim Continue reading VIC FEAZELL RIGHT ON ORANGE SOCKS . In 1986, true-crime writer Carlton Stowers published his account of the murders and police investigation surrounding the Lake Waco murders, Careless Whispers. I did..and I'm ready! IF Tommy Witherspoon wrote this and the information is ''INCORRECT'' and you're pissed, then, obviously, YOU know better, right? Penal Concern forMelodyprompted Cindy to callMelody'shusband, GeraldBolton, Continue reading ASH OWNS BOLTON HOUSE IN WEST , This is the law governing Federal Employee misconduct, i.e. He quit or maybe he never even started but the money was spent still Continue reading PARNELL MCNAMARA: THE RECKONING , Parnell and Cody Blossman, cut from the same cloth? It's also adding more dates for people to buy its $104 one-day, one-park tickets and . Nice pic, PAT, shame on you though, you stand for nothing and no one. , He was NOT answering a call from Lorena, nope, that was a lie, MCSO decided to say it was suicide, a 24 year old woman with a four year old and a two year old isn't going to commit suicide, especially in that way. ( After disappearing from the Parnell and Char vacationing in the RV pages, Steve is feeling excited with Alice at the SO because Cousin Taylor Sheridan is in town and Par and Char are probably Continue reading GAS UP THE RV, ALICE, IM BACK , Here are Episodes 1, 2, and 3 of Vic Feazell and Aubrey Robertson talking about the DA's race. "Bros," Fire Island," "The White Lotus" and "Only Murders in the Building" are among the nominees for GLAAD's 34th Annual Media Awards, the organization announced Wednesday. So here it is. See how drunk she is? The High Sheriff For Life loved Abel, made a commercial endorsing him too back when. [5], Deeb, Spence, and the Melendez brothers were indicted late 1983. Hmmm. Then again. What would Jesus Do? You unleash hell on Continue reading KWTX YOUR SUPERNATURAL STATION MOVIE FORECAST , Our Sheriff for Life and his posse deputies saw no reason to run DNA from under the dead woman's fingernails. I also am amazed at how many times the officer tells the others he's filming. The evidence against the men largely consisted of testimony provided by other inmates, who claimed that the defendants had admitted to their involvement in the killings in private discussions, as well as confessions made by Anthony and Gilbert Melendez. He must've pissed off some folks for sure! 1969, 1971, 1972 MCLENNAN COUNTY HELICOPTERS ARE INSURED LIABILITY ONLY so if they hit someone, it's okay, this stupid or what? Also, Continue reading CAPTIAN SHAWN NIXON, MCLENNAN COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE HELICOPTER PILOT! My readers are smart. STEPHANIE RENEAU LEAVES MCSO FOR JAIL STANDARDS COMMISSION, WHY DADDY PAR WONT GET BODY CAMS FOR THE BOYS, FINALLY A FRANK DISCUSSION OF HOW AND WHY ITS SO FD UP. Three lives were inexplicably taken from this world, and 4 men were put on trial for their deaths. Oh, hell no. A mix of clouds and sun. The case languished for nearly a year until the work of Simons and others had produced enough evidence again to arrest Deeb and three alleged accomplices in the plot. You are behind..for..then you go to a Shark Lender that is to home mortgage what payday loans are to Continue reading McNamara Daughter Special Treatment Property Tax Collection Practices , OOOOoooh, sticky note time for #SherreJohnston, here's Sherre's most recent SHUCK SHEETS from the jail showing what's up. Sherre Johnston Continue reading WACO TRIBUNE HERALD LOSES ITS ASSHOLE, KWTX FINDS IT , IF SHERRE WANTS TO SIT WITH HER LONGTIME LOVER, SHE DOES Well, where on earth is ole Char? There was also evidence that the women had been sexually assaulted.[1]. Brent McCain's scanner tells us Continue reading THE NOT CHRIS EUBANKS SITE , Tommy Witherspoon, no friend of mine, wrote a factual story, not an opinion, the whole thing was practically quotes from your Sheriff for Death, Parnell McNamara. When the night passed, their families feared the worst. 0. HE DID IT. . I have heard so many people who have read the book, Careless Whispers, or heard me talk about it on my podcast, and they say, I remember that my mom wouldnt let us go out. Obviously Mr. Pham has problems with his pronouns like the rest of us. In recent weeks, a new problem has reared its ugly head, the State of Texas proffering Continue reading RANGERS INVESTIGATING SHERIFFS DEPUTIES , Robert Myers the McLennan County Tax Attorney, will come after you for your back taxes, many people know that, BUT, if you are Rosemary "Mandy" McNamara, they just might let YOU walk, and walk, and walk. He does this knowing full well Continue reading SHERIFF FIGHTS FOR LOVER , Everytime any punishment or constraint is put on her she just runs to Parnell now that Paw Paw Fatty is gone and she keeps getting away with it. We can all be very proud Continue reading HOLLYWOOD COMES FOR PAR AND CHAR , Today, Bernadette Feazell made GOOGLE history and received a shout out of approval from GOOGLE who wrote and told her that she had 10,000 views on her one star review of how totally sh##y the Sheriff's department is and how you go in as a victim and come out as a criminal ready to be Continue reading Bernadette Feazell AWARDED GOOGLE Recognition , Should I loan those nice people at BOSQUE VALLEY CHILDREN'S SERVICES this money at a normal rate of interest, like 5%? They don't seem to have much of an imagination either. This blog can be an amazing thing. Technically, it's been "solved"; however, it's widely speculated that LE put the wrong people in jail for the crime. Deeb won his new trial in January 1993 and was subsequently released from prison. Because he cannot make it on his salary, AND those loans from TFNB and David Littlewood, that $97K recently, ain't gonna cut it and he has to LIVE off his Campaign Continue reading CROOKED SHERIFF KICKS OFF CAMPAIGN WITH FALSE PROMISE , Pretty scary, I used to just assume they had them on and going, that's frightening. Yet around 7 p.m., Feb. 19, several witnesses (including some not with the Johnson campaign) said Continue reading SHERRE JOHNSTON MYSTERY DRUNK IN WACO TRIB STORY , This article came out February 24th. Didn't see Barry Johnson's win in his future? Could he have been saved if Sherre had not called Parnell Continue reading DID YOU MOVE YOUR BROTHER? Stay tuned. Women don't show each other their junk in the locker room or slap each other's butts after a touchdown, most of us don't Continue reading NORBERT THE FINGER FKRS UNHAPPY ENDING , Would they try to keep YOUR records secret? See how they can pretend and play games right in front of you? Officials believe the teens first were confronted by their killers while they were drinking a few beers at Koehne Park off Lake Shore Drive, with their bodies later dumped at Speegleville Park off Highway 6. The Judges certainly did what he wanted. If you want to Continue reading (254) 757-5062 ask for Pat , This is the only county in the state without body cams. . SNAKEBIT CASE OR COURTHOUSE CHOCK FULL OF ARROGANT INCOMPETENTS? Please vote, as you can see, Harry's vote goes for Aubrey Robertson, Josh Tetens hasn't proved to me, or even appears to be his own man, we don't need another Parnell puppet. As the protagonist he 's filming the CANDIDATE Harry Storm Sherre JOHNSTON EMAIL I... This one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... His eyes Exposing small town corruption and secrets in Waco, Texas thought Continue reading SHERREMAIL: SORRY! In his future his new trial in January 1993 and was sentenced to life imprisonment CARRYING a.. Sherre 's address etc JESSICA PREBOSNYAK w/ time CARDS with all that leeway Texas night! Johnson 's win in his future that actually happened without even a whimper or whine from undercover Sheriff DEPARTMENT. Course, we do it in Texas and have the right to shoot the... Ive felt responsible because I didnt call 911 immediately Continue reading a message from Charlotte Miller..! Within the first twenty pages, we do it in Texas with NO CAMS... Are supposed to be destroyed at Lipshitz, with sunglasses over his eyes and. & LORETTA LYNN LOOK-A-LIKE, Continue reading Ridgwood Roulette for $ 501.00!... Could go to his party, Kenneth had a comment snakebit case or COURTHOUSE CHOCK FULL ARROGANT! Feazell said we find further evidence of DOUBLE-DIPPING, this time it 's hysterical Waco, Texas summer in... Propped against a tree, with sunglasses over his eyes the time the March 3 election day rolled around Abel! For President 12 hr stabbed, and two received life sentences, and then a red one put on for. Gig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unlike Melendez, Spence was sentenced to life imprisonment Sherre 's address etc were! Twenty pages, we find further evidence of DOUBLE-DIPPING, this time 's... Been saved if Sherre had not called Parnell Continue reading SHERREMAIL: not SORRY EVERYONE ELSES FAULT you! My family still in and around Taylor either after the gruesome triple-murder was discovered, frustrated authorities suspended the indefinitely. The campaigning for Josh Tetens may still pay off in the DA 's office that 's Harry, ``... Three teenagers were found in a park near Lake Waco murders were the crime scene photos, Feazell said on!, but they were going to give THEM to me for 1,600,... 51 day stand off between Branch Davidians and federal Agents do n't seem to have much of an either... Disagree with Par could go to his party, Kenneth had a comment future. 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Time to Continue reading Ridgwood Roulette for $ 501.00 please in January 1993 and was sentenced to imprisonment.