Construction costs are 80% homeowner funded. It is a difficult and wicked problem. I definitely disagree with a buy back. But, they just persist time and time again. Am I missing something with the job title there? The Collaroy wall is not subtle. " My understanding is that the hard seawall was constructed with the specific intention to protect the private property behind the wall. Thats tens of thousands of homes). Operates out of the same premises. Not even the dude came up with half an ear! info a new build now paid by the public purse. Establishment and set out of site survey control points. It's actually quite simple to install and get going unlike a lot of open-source software. The exception of course is if youre a donor to the LNP then a $3M block of land can be sold for $30M!!! why should the taxpayer pay to protect a small number of private landholders who actively choose to profit from purchasing in a tidal zone? Man, that'd get old real quick, happy to pass. There are three main types of seawalls: vertical, curved, and mound. Structures appeared. that concrete is a lovely blank canvas for some choice words. That's crazy stuff. For the swellnet readers here's some background info, and here. They're not effective at all mate. This will give all all a better insight into what's going on with these projects. There's only a loss to be made for the purchases. Seawalls form a defining line between sea and land. Hey BD. 5 min [P] Call of the Wild skinny dip at yer local Sea-Walljust doing wot comes natural! Unfortunately, what we see in Collaroy might become a norm to protect this lifestyle. Can't see sand staying around with all that crazy activity. Criticism of the debris left on the beach, the erosion as the sea ran up against the wall and drew away all the sand during January 2022 swells and the manner in which these works have been carried out prompted council staff to investigate a number of times during the heavy swells, and has been under regular inspection since then. How's that space travel and trip to MARS coming along, you blokes? Will be interesting after another summer if potential strong easterlies due to the La Nia. Separately at the Collaroy pool end of the beach when the walk way became unstable they just craned in these massive bags of rocks on top of each other and said job done - ugly as fuck. I think the wall is actually a good warning of exactly what governments mean by "adaptation and mitigation"..expensive projects for the construction industry rather than sound ecological management. Five years ago, residents along Collaroy Beach watched helplessly as enormous waves smashed into their backyards, collapsing pools and patios of their multimillion-dollar waterfront properties. Re: "I don't think that would preclude construction of reefs". Has been for a while. I'd reckon the road, arterial services (electrical, sewerage, etc) and the houses all factors. And find outwhy you'll soon hear a hell of a lot more about them. For those who object to it, there is something hostile about Collaroy's multi-million-dollar sea wall. A seven-metre high wall erected to protect beachside mansions from being washed away has sparked debate among locals in a wealthy Sydney suburb. buzzwords include "Improved recreational access. " other than just the width of beaches increasing, has anyone actually seen a full dune rebuilt. Might be time to lawyer up. Didnt hear boo about that from anyone ? Section 2.4 Item 4 - classic stuff. This was done to ensure the wall would be up before people realised what it was. However, the residents focused primarily on the protest against the sea wall while not suggesting any alternate solutions to solve the coastal erosion, and therefore, failing the 3rd criteria. Shows what not to do, i mean it'd have some value in an inlet or lake subject to openings to the ocean in storm surge/high tides. Stupid dumbfucks. (btw if you're the Jody P I'm thinking of, you're an absolute legend mate!). It would be interesting to know if coastal engineers are bound by law to follow best-advice from Consulting Scientists? In 2017, Gold Coast City Council funded, in conjunction with threatened property owners, an artificial reef offshore from Palm Beach. LGA's apply for state and federal funding on offer for range of purposes. July 28, 2021 - 7:04AM. I recently moved house [Northern-Rivers nsw] and seal-level rise was a very serious consideration of mine. It shows how different combinations of coastal defences and wave and tide conditions affect overtopping and flood risk. Given that it seems to fly in the face of best practice, has anyone asked what the NSW Coastal Council has to say about it? check out the beach erosion in Apollo bay as well Spot on. IT WILL NOT FUCKN WORK YA FLOGS.. 5/6 NE SWELL NOW.. a proper ECL .. will destroy it .. this frustrates me .. By doing so they have encouraged similar management intervention from beachside landholders by 1. demonstrating part liability for coastal erosion processes by building such a structure that threaten adjacent properties and 2. >> and the ocean will wash it all away again in the next big swell. In 2002, protestors form a "line in the sand" from Collaroy to Narrabeen opposing seawalls (Photo: Surfrider). If he is an expert and this is what he designed, then I shudder to even imagine what the non-expert coastal engineers would design. And it would also provide some useful evidence for fighting against any similar future proposals. We have the tools and imagination to manage the climatic challenge that beginning to show in my lifetime. The council had an interest in preventing future erosion impacting Pittwater Rd, the main north-south artery on the NB. My view is if it cannot be protected by environmentally sound methods then that is the owner's problem. And this (Item 4) gives the reasons they changed to a wall. The Collaroy Beach seawall project was put to the test for the first time today with the arrival of a moderate to large east-northeast groundswell from ex-Tropical Cyclone Seth, coinciding with a king tide. This just a year ago was a nice Sandune. Thanks heaps for the update Craig. This would be a better solution, I think. Such a shame that it's not like California or other US states where the owner has no right to protect their land from erosion etc. This is a big money problem way beyond the scope of local councils. Super difficult problem, maybe councils could buy beachfronts then lease back the properties. The recently constructed Collaroy seawall yesterday failed - or passed - its first real test, depending on which side of it you stand. The activism of Tom Kirsop is legendary and in December 2019 Northern Beaches Council honoured him with a park at Narrabeen called Surfrider Gardens. Bumper Farrell had the prime position. The only way now is to harness the power of coastal construction science and engineering. Last Model Run: 15 Jan 11:00AM Local time (AEDT) 15 Jan 12:00AM GMT Data Status: OK. Run Age 9hrs. If anyone used it and saw the second DA let me know. Nah, buybacks don't put the properties back onto the market, they're acquired by the council at market rates and then emptied, returned to parkland and foredune, both a buffer against storm action. what's the logic/law in having to buy back the properties ? >>Really dumb idea. [ask GaryG] I am not stock market savvy. Thanks, Lilas, I agree with there being challenges inherent in generalising, but I'm going to resist the temptation to take our shared pedantry down the rabbit hole this time! Large waves have a lot of energy and must be forced to break further out to sea to dissipate the energy before reaching the sand shoreline. Isolated, desk top engineering at its finest. Collaroy homes along Pittwater Rd have been cordoned off today. The question is why did the owners go for such an unattractive solution that by all appearances seems to have blocked their beach access. The beach is now too dangerous to walk along and it's one big eyesore. That's appalling if it's the case, BB. I suppose there are still those with more dollars than sense, but for me, the land is as good as built below the high-tide mark. Honestly he might be correct based on the Manly erosion hahhaa. Make his name famous: Peter Horton. My experience with compulsory acquisition had to do with a Sydney motorway a few years back. Yes and do they have tactile indicators in the correct place? Well now we know who is responsible for this debacle. The council will buy me out at any price if things get too hot". It might take a bit of digging to prove it, but the evidence is accumulating already. I can see everybody getting angry here on SN..but what are the solutions to seal level rise , Short term and long term. But unlike a rock revetment at Stockton, which gradually collapses into the beach, Collaroy's sheer concrete wall relies on deep foundations to stabilise it. I first noticed them when I went to Nijjima island in the early 90's and asked what were they reply was to protect the land from erosion.they actually had the moulds for the TP's there and just kept making them when needed.. Owners, Council and 'engineersshame shame shame. Much bigger. The market knows this. Looking at that DA via Stu's link, it must have taken a considerable, possibly illegal, effort to keep that out of the hands of those community members with a long record of interest in the matter. Dates announced for Spencer Frost and Guy Williment's film shot in Russia's far east. Rad demo john interesting as Craig said to see the changes in shock waves returning seaward. As a result, dried out sediments are carried by the wind towards the land. Multiple reports have previously shown a better cost effective way to protect public infrastructure on that stretch. RFS DU SOL's new album cover to Surrender is on point.. Collaroy sea wall 1.8 mts higher than the Berlin Wall They have access to and use a large suit of software modeling tools, but unfortinately a lot of them don't have outputs that non-scientists can get their head around [just numbers which are meaningless on the surface unless you understand what they represent.] "Sea walls do nothing to ensure the ongoing conservation of the beach in front of them," Mr Donohoe told crowds. The seawall is probably built over them. walkways to viewing platforms & beaches, selective weed management, planting, education, etc), Give nature a chance, it will rebound & stabilise dunes or else find a new equilibrium.< inland. Maintenance starts 2 months (?) Here's also the appendices and figures etc: Yeah, cheers I've been through them as well. Around 80 percent of the cost will be shouldered by the property owners themselves while the remaining 20 percent will be jointly funded by the Northern Beaches Council and the NSW government. Only thing that would be better if they made a foot path on top of it so wheel chair bandits and a like get to use the cost line as well, "Or boarding a jumbo jet to go for a surf and buy the latest board all things responsible for the needing of the wall in the first place.". Given Council has already completed protection works on public land, and there's been a lot of talk about the owners' seawall, understanding all the facts is important. the Senior Environmental Officer" Northern Beaches NSW govt!! From the last set of minutes from the Wamberal Seawall advisory Taskforce Nov 18 2021. South Narrabeen beach is now useless to anyone. While celebrating his record for coastal protection with a park on the Collaroy-Narrabeen stretch, Northern Beaches council was also processing a Development Application thatd threaten the very same beach. governments recently built a bunch of groynes around the Murray street area. Unfortunately groynes or artificial headlands are not part of the certified Coastal Zone Management Plan CZMP (2014). Mr Horton said there has been some very minor erosion at Collaroy/Narrabeen Beach this week, along with other NSW beaches, but it is not a cause for concern. This seawall will not only protect our homes but also Pittwater Rd, and the many communication and public services installed under it, from inevitable future storm events. Will it make Carties better or will kooks just ride into the wall even more. Gold Coast City Council had a similar problem to Collaroy at Palm Beach Qld. Def landing size incorrect i reckon900mm min ? This is a massive issue around the world from which there are countless learnings. Tonights high tide is 1.34m, tomorrow morning is 1.96m. Willi, how would easterlies impact the Great Ocean Road coast? That ABC article is spot on when it comes to waterfront properties. I wonder whats worse this concrete monstrsity or the digital identity certifcate which is about to be become a reality unless you put some energy into being another voice presenting a social inclusivity rather than If there is an identity card, then people in authority will want to put it to use.What is at stake is nothing less than the nature of our society and the power and authority of the state over the individual. exports the same quantity of energy in green electricity and hydrogen as it exports in thermal coal and liquefied natural gas. Would suck if you got amalgamated into Northern Beaches council then had to pay tax for this. It will still be a bargain now compared to 60 years from now if they do the same. The co-founder of Ksubiis to launch a '70s surf-inspired hotel on New South Wales' Mid North Coast. Just wondering if the stairs built into the wall are private property? 2)How much did the Collaroy Carpark Coastal Protection works cost? (This statement also doesn't specify what type of HARD structure. good pics there willi, hadn't realised this. I put up links to both DAs the other day. Most swells will have to wrap around the rock/reef headlands as well as cape Otway before this and nicely wrap the swell into the bays and our coast has been shaped like this for however thousands of years so it is used to it, and this is what us humans observe as the normal state of the beaches as they are quite predictable and dont change much around here. There's no homes or businesses, or very few to speak of- doesn't come close to justifying the cost of the wall. An increase in storm activity - particularly from the east and north-east, as has been proposed by Associate Professor Ian Goodwin - and the looming threat of sea level rise are X-factors for East Coast beachfront development. btw- that one is a tiddler compared to what they have here. From their perspective building the wall before further erosion took place and moved closer to the road was another advantage as was disregarding the impact on the beach for a potentially more permanent solution. GCCC's approach protects both private property and public beach amenity without any visible structures on the beach. You can cry about why it wasn't their fault but that doesn't change anything at all. Seawall construction isnt mentioned. Making it deeper? You wouldn't accept that in a bridge from an engineer, so why accept it in anything else? The Collaroy Beach seawall project was put to the test for the first time today with the arrival of a moderate to large east-northeast groundswell from ex-Tropical Cyclone Seth, coinciding with a king tide. Te Puna Aonui is the joint venture of government agencies that will deliver Te Aorerekura. I can't believe that those structures have been built in 2021 and that the legislation still hasn't been amended to counter the property rights of the owners. By creating offshore reefs that only interact with the largest [damaging] swell events, the normal beach processes can be maintained by allowing small to medium swells to pass unaffected and continue the normal flow of sand. Harmer and husband have been protesting for 14 years to stop surf barrier She led 2002 lobby against $12 million wall proposed by Warringah council A monster Sydney storm wiped out properties. Pipeline specialist injured while duckdiving in heavy waves. And thats being generous. Soon It Will Be Filled With Concrete.'. Building a vertical [with over-top] wall is about as insane a design as you can get, as stated and proven by all the intelligent people on this forum. The State Government essentially provided the compensation for the business to relocate to another 'suitable' site. It's corrupt to the eyeballs and the only winners are the crooked pollies and the dodgy construction companies while the once beautiful Japanese coastline is lost forever. Whether the NSW state government / local council want to backflip with a pike on their current failing seawall master plan is another thing. Dates announced for Spencer Frost and Guy Williment's film shot in Russia's far east. Thats awesome. The also don't grow in sand so they won't be of any use to prevent coastal erosion on our open-ocean beaches. >> Quite a worrying statement to begin with. When a hard structure is introduced to the equation we see an increase in reflective energy andturbulence, slowing the accretion of sandwhile also acceleratingerosion in storm conditions. Mentioned in a previous article (linked below) - the region hosts submarine cables, so it's part of the Northern Sydney Protection Zone. Normally large swells from the SW have very little affect on the beaches around here because the great ocean rd is comprised of Rocky headland after headland. If no acquisition or buyback is made, then good luck to the owners trying to sell these properties. The angle of any hard hard structure relative to the wave direction is what really matters, so you can see why it's important to be very specific when talking about science/engineering. However, NSW has an intricate coastal management and development approval system and surely there's a paper trail for the various consents and approvals for this abomination which would be subject to FOI? Sea level rise equation is based on the Bruun Rule to ascertain erosion in open coastal areas like Collaroy. It's good to see some enlightened input from Brendan and Angus, both of whom have extensive experience in coastal management from planning and engineering backgrounds. The reason is the appearance of a concrete seawall along a stretch of beach between Wetherill Street and Stuart Street, which both run off busy Pittwater Road. That is why this option was selected for Palm Beach Qld, and I think should be considered for all the other coastal erosion hotspots along the NSW coast as well. The Palm Beach artificial reef is now completed. They are frequently used in locations where further shore erosion will result in excessive damage, e.g. Shit.That looks like they are preparing for an invasion. gsco, I'd have thought that the first hurdle for any enhancement - besides the environmental impacts - would be the issue of access and whether the investment creates something with the most benefit for the most people. In the others, you can see a part of the wall under construction. If you are referring to Vertical hard structures then that needs to be specified). Some family recently went through this as their house sat above the construction zone for the Spit / Northern Beaches Link tunnel. Perhaps at best, the council acquires the land and owners get a sum to relocate to a 'normal' house west of Pittwater Road (god forbid). "Have you ever seen such a magnificent view as the one from our balcony overlooking this active volcano? It's a travesty in so many ways and a very poor precedent for other parts of the coast which will be deemed vulnerable to sea level rise. Proven time and time and time again that sea walls do not work- period. My parents in NZ were excited when they took out bloodymangroves at the mouth of the estuary where they lived. and who can afford to pay the rates and any rate increases due to sea wall construction costs, which will leave rate payers on low and middle incomes moving toward rather than away from poverty. I cannot see how can this be a feasible long-term strategy from the cost perspective. The 18-year-old scored a near-perfect 9.50 in the Final, held at Seaside Reef in Encinitas, California. I liken it to a form of gambling. This paper by John Corkill is worth reading if you're interested - he's a legend. Japan may be a perfect case study. I don't disagree with most of that. Last Wave inalways team up with surf buddies to safely exit yer local Seachange Monstrosity. and I live 8 hours away. Just take the hit cost wise now and return the area to something close to its previous natural state. PW road and any associated public infrastructure was used as a eligibility factor for public funding to protect the private properties. sea wall is perfect. Whe I checked the link today on the second one it went to the first DA for the sloping rock wall, not the second one for the vertical concrete wall. Cyclonic activity isnt forecast to increase at all - I think the jury actually out on that at the moment, east coast of Australia in a 500 year dip too on cyclonic activity. 100% agree Craig, the only option is to buy back the properties and be done with it like they should have done years ago. , how would easterlies impact the Great ocean road Coast erosion hahhaa case, BB realised what it was at... The swellnet readers here 's some background info, and here change anything at all is responsible for this and... The logic/law in having to buy back the properties in 2002, protestors form a line... To another 'suitable ' site future erosion impacting Pittwater Rd, the main north-south artery on the Bruun Rule ascertain. Data Status: OK. Run Age 9hrs Surfrider Gardens made, then luck! Excited when they took out bloodymangroves at the mouth of the Wild skinny dip at yer Sea-Walljust... 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[ P ] Call of the estuary where they lived who is responsible for this Wamberal.